For the first time in human history, all nations of the world are facing a systemic crisis that is at once economic (disparity of wealth), social (gender inequalities, exclusion of minorities), ecological (climate change), political (mistrust of government) and existential (lack of meaning at work and in our privacy).
To preserve nature, to change the system, and to build a better world, we must first change our inner nature, transform ourselves (“Be the change” said Gandhi). It is no longer enough to just change our “economic model”, or even our “state of mind”, we must change and evolve our level of consciousness (alignment of soul, mind, heart and body).
Based on concrete examples from different regions of the world, Navi Rajou will identify the crucial changes to be made to your organization – in terms of culture, structure, and leadership – that will enable you to become a “conscious company” that generates profit while contributing to the “triple regeneration” (individual, social, and ecological).
Navi will show how your company can (and must) engage “atypical” actors from various sectors to co-build a conscious society where it is possible not only to “do better with less” and “live better with less” but above all to “be better with less”.