
Anthropologist, Olivier helps organizations to integrate the Human being in their innovation processes.

Trained at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the Université de Montréal (Ma) and the Université de Nice-Sopjhia Antipolis (PhD), he dedicated himself primary to research. It was by exploring sensory cultures that he discovered the world of design, which he has never left since.

He spent the first part of his career in the culinary world, first as a post-doctoral researcher and then as a research fellow at the Paul Bocuse Institute, then as an innovation project manager in Groupe SEB R&D, where he paved the way for anthropology and explored culinary practices on four continents.

After discovering the world of consulting (The Creativists) he launched his own structure, Users Matter, dedicated to user-centred innovation in 2016, and participated in the launch of the Making Tomorrow collective the following year.

Users are everywhere! But the Human being still occupies a very weak place in innovation. It is on the strength of this observation that he works to make meetings with users, customers and citizens concrete and operational throughout the innovation process.

A regular lecturer at several institutions (La Cambre, Audencia, Louvain School of Management, AgroSup, Universita di Milano Bicocca, …) and speaker (more than 100 talks to date), Olivier has published some forty articles and books on innovation, food and sensory cultures and design.

He is also co-author of “Playing with the future: Use design fiction to turn your business around” (Pearson Editions, 2016) co-written with Nicolas Minvielle and Anthony Masson.


  • Business strategy
  • Creative thinking
  • Leadership


  • French
  • English


This masterclass teaches you  the tools of Design Fiction as a projection lever in the future.

Martin evokes the two pillars of science fiction imagination and the modeling of credible versions of the future to help strategic decision-making and guide organizations towards chosen rather than suffered futures.

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+33 (0)1 39 15 83 15 –

This workshop is based on the fundamentals of the design approach.

From design thinking to design doing, Martin presents the key elements to master in order to implement a design approach within an organization while ensuring that it is coherent and places the user at the heart of its processes.

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+33 (0)1 39 15 83 15 –

The value of the goods and services that users will consume is closely linked to the lived experience.

This masterclass offers a reading grid to create a memorable experience. Martin shares the fundamentals of the notion of experience, how an organization can analyze the experience it currently offers and identify guiding principles.

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+33 (0)1 39 15 83 15 –

After thinking about tomorrow’s experiences comes the time for strategic decision-making.

This masterclass offers alternatives to traditional instruments and presents the different ways to insert drawing into a decision cycle.

Martin proposes to combine it with other collaborative practices to make a decision accessible to all and ensure its proper execution.

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+33 (0)1 39 15 83 15 –

This masterclass discusses how modeling can help to solve organization’s problematics when the solutions and experiences to be deployed are initially uncertain and change must take precedence over fidelity to a pre-established plan.

Through 6 key uses of a model, Martin offers a set of principles and tools to transform an organization into a “Do” culture.

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+33 (0)1 39 15 83 15 –

This masterclass explains how some organizations are able to grow very quickly in order to generate hyper-growth.

After presenting the 5 pillars of these growth strategies based on the stories of founders and leaders of the most emblematic companies of the 21st century, Martin leads participants to define how they can try to integrate them into their company.

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+33 (0)1 39 15 83 15 –

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